
Additive Manufacturing Forum by TRIDITIVE, in search for the modernization of Asturias industry

Additive manufacturing for serial production opens new opportunities for the digital transformation of the industrial fabric.

Under the name of “The Additive Revolution”, Asturian company TRIDITIVE organized recently in Siero, Asturias, the second Industrial Scale Additive Manufacturing Forum. An event focused on the new opportunities of additive manufacturing for serial production and the impact on the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Speakers from industry, R&D, entrepreneurship, public entities, and innovation programs provided insights about additive manufacturing in the EU green and digital transition, perspectives of serial production, and entrepreneurship and industrial innovation in Asturias and Spain.

The forum highlighted the impact of this technology on the industrial fabric through the success stories of companies at Asturian, national and European level.

In fact, the strong metal industry in Asturias is a clear example of pioneering technologies in use, with new productive processes, safety systems in the workplace and environmental management. And the additive manufacturing is starting to be an important factor thorough the adaptation of this industry to the future.

Asturias’ capabilities for attracting technology projects

Eva Pando, Managing Director of the Economic Development Agency of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA), showcased in this event the Asturias’ capabilities for attracting technology projects.

IDEPA has been working for more than a decade through the Smart Specialization Strategy, the Asturias Industry 4.0 and Asturias Digital Innovation Hub programmes, which aim to transform the regional productive fabric.

In connection with this idea, José Bayón, CEO at ENISA (Spanish National Innovation Company, part of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism), said that “we are experiencing a growth of foreign investors in Spain” in recent years. ENISA’s presence in the Forum meant a support to the industrial and technological projects of Asturias.

IDEPA programmes to promote digitalization

“A success story in additive manufacturing in Asturias is TRIDITIVE, developing innovative projects to be a benchmark company. It has accessed IDEPA programmes to promote digitalization, investment, and internationalization”, said Pando.

TRIDITIVE used the event to introduce its new series of automated additive manufacturing machines AMCELL®. Technology developed in Asturias to contribute to the digital transformation of the industry.

Additive manufacturing is also key and strategic for the development of industry and defence in Europe. It allows the creation of parts on demand, adapted to a specific need, both on national territory and in the operational scenarios themselves.

Also in this area are working Asturian entities, as IDONIAL Technological Centre, that developed an aero-transportable factory held in a 3D printing laboratory, designed in collaboration with the European Defence Agency. It aims to test the impact of this technology in military operations in conflict zones.

Enjoy the full Industrial Scale Additive Manufacturing Forum following this link:
